Fascination of Plants Day @ MSU
What's New
Explore the World of Plants
From one little seed, many green lives can arise - from herbs to big trees, from ornamental flowers to crops that sustain life on Earth. Explore the science and art of plants, enjoy family-friendly activities, and meet researchers at one of the world's best plant science institutions.
For Press

Hands-on activities for kids
- Extract DNA from strawberries
- Manipulate plant images in Virtual Reality
- Create cyanotypes of beautiful microscopic structures
- Terpene smelling station: match smells to plants

Learn about plants
- How plants grow, survive, and thrive
- Moss and fungus terrarium
- Plant benefits in medicine and industrial products
- Bioenergy crops station
- MSU Student Organic Farm and Beal Botanical Gardens

Meet MSU researchers
- Discover the scientist's lab toolkit: microscopes and measuring instruments
- GMOs and plant DNA as tools for scientific exploration
- Find out what types of discoveries MSU scientists are making
Our Partners
Primary location
MSU Broad Museum Art Lab
565 E Grand River Ave, Suite 1
East Lansing, MI 48824
East Lansing Art Festival location
Children's Art Activity Area on Albert Ave.
See festival map