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Bruno Takahashi

Date & Time: October 7, 2024, at 4:10 pm

Location: BCH 101

Zoom: https://msu.zoom.us/j/91993518218?pwd=SzN0Umd0dElSblVSOGJEY2U0UzJJdz09
Meeting ID: 919 9351 8218
Passcode: 028299

About the Speaker

Bruno TakahashiInstitution: Michigan State University

Subject: The imperative for inclusive science communication

Abstract: Science is not very diverse and that affects the scientific enterprise and historically marginalized populations. Scientists from historically marginalized backgrounds often find themselves isolated or double guessing their work and their ability to communicate their science. In this presentation, I will share insights from the Science Communication Identities Project that aims to shift the ways in which science communication training is conducted in the US towards a culturally responsive approach. 

Host: Kara Headley

Host Comments: "Dr. Takahashi's work with the Science Communications Identities Project is imperative in training the next generation of science communicators. The work addresses a gap in research and training, focusing on the needs and experiences of racial and ethnic minority scientists.

"I had the privilege of having Bruno as a professor for my undergraduate study abroad experience, which led me to the career I have today in science communication."